A Glimpse Into Green Gold

A glimpse of golden green on a beautiful spring day.
Drops of gold sparkling on lush green.
The sun, glowing resplendence, majestic in light,
Rides skies vast in blueness.
A drop of gold falls bright upon a tree, with leaves
Clamouring for a glimpse of the radiant sun.
The golden drop, cascades through rich brown hues
Of branches, casting shimmering splashes
Dappling through eager green leaves,
Drops molten gold light onto the waiting grass.
The drop of gold glistening upon beautiful green!
The sparkle of a golden sun drop upon green lushness.
A glimpse of green gold under skies azure with blue.
Radiance of the sun, aglow with light,
Shone golden upon a spring day.
Green gold of grass under the golden sun!
A Glimpse into Green Gold!
Most lovely !! I can imagine all the green gold❤️✨✨✨
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