Words In Writing

Quill pen and inkwell on old parchment paper. Vintage style.
Words spoken, words remembered seep into the mind like fine wine.

Words linger, words become thoughts that travel the
Realms of Life into the heart.

Words dwell in the heart, become memories sad and happy.

Memories of life lived. An abyss of emotion.

Eloquence, rich with words, form rivers with colours of lives
Lived through the ages.

Memories alive with emotion flow as the colourful rivers
From the heart, through the arm, through the wrist into the hand.

Memories real and imagined
Wistful imaginations form words that flow into the fingers
The fingers that hold the pen.
Words form, words flow from pen to paper
The journey of thoughts flowing from the heart
To the pen to the paper.

The eager pen flowing with ink, alive with words,
Moves, glides, dances with waiting paper.

Thus the written word!

~ Sandhya ~

1 comment

  • Shaila Bonner

    What a beautiful poem!!❤️

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